I Am John Wick

I specialize in graphic design, UI/UX and photography

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I Specialize In

Photography as well as creating digital masterpieces and UI/UX layouts for websites and mobile applications


Focuses on the design and development of a broad range of media and applications based on the latest web and mobile strategies.


User Experience Design incorporates all facets of information, interface and interaction design.

Visual Design

Aims to shape and improve the user experience through considering the effects of illustrations, photography, typography, space, layouts.


Design of interactive products and services in which my focus goes beyond the item in development to include the way users will interact with it.

  • Clients
  • 100
  • Awards
  • 3
  • Hours Worked
  • 3500
  • Projects Completed
  • 135

My Creative Process

All of my UI/UX and design projects are based off of a practiced formula to get the result that I am looking for


Discuss The Project

Focuses on the design and development of a broad range of media and applications based on the latest web and mobile strategies.


Brainstorming ^ Concept

Aims to shape and improve the user experience through considering the effects of illustrations, photography, typography, space, layouts.


UI/UX Planning

User Experience Design incorporates all facets of information, interface and interaction design.



Design of interactive products and services in which my focus goes beyond the item in development to include the way users will interact with it.